Friday, March 5, 2010

In your environment group, research on materials and sustainability.

Use the following questions as your guide

1. What are the different types of materials in the market? Classify the materials into wood, metal, plastics and others.

2. What are the properties of the different materials?

3. How do the different materials come about? What are their compositions?

4. Give examples of the use of each material.

5. What is sustainability?

7. What does it mean when we say that a product is sustainable? Give an example of a sustainable product and explain why the product is sustainably.

8. What does it mean by a sustainable environment? Give an example of a sustainable environment.

Different Types of Plastic (Casandra):

-Cellulose acetate
-Epoxy resin
Different Types of Metal ( YanJin):

Different Types of Wood (Azeem):






Different Types of Leather (Bernard):

Properties of the Materials:

-Acrylic: Best known as a glass substitute, typically under the trade names Perspex, Lucite and Plexiglas.
-Cellophane : A Du Pont trade name for film made from regenerated wood pulp (cellulose).
-Cellulose : The fibrous matter in all plant cells, with a long chain molecular structure. The most common sources used for making plastics are cotton fibres and wood pulp
-Cellulose acetate: A tough thermplastic made from cellulose in the form of cotton linters, treated with acetic acid and acetic anhydride. Used for many domestic mouldings such as spectacle frames, toothbrush handles, and as transparent packaging film.
-Elastomer: A synthetic plastic with the flexible properties of rubber.
-Epoxy resin: A very tough thermosetting resin used as a coating, or reinforced to make mouldings or laminates.


silver, platinum and gold: all are precious metals and are highly maleable and ductile. Most pure metals are soft too
Copper. bronze and nickel: They are not really precious and are cheap.


All of the above have wooden origins


How It Came About?


-Acrylic: a hard thermoplastic made from acrylic acid or a derivative of acrylic acid.
-Amino plastics: Plastics made from ammonia based compounds
-Cellophane : A Du Pont trade name for film made from regenerated wood pulp (cellulose).
-Cellulose : The fibrous matter in all plant cells, with a long chain molecular structure.
-Cellulose acetate: A tough thermplastic made from cellulose in the form of cotton linters, treated with acetic acid and acetic anhydride.
-Elastomer: A synthetic plastic with the flexible properties of rubber.
-Epoxy resin: A very tough thermosetting resin used as a coating, or reinforced to make mouldings or laminates.

Platinum: chemical symbol: Pt, atomic number: 78, atomic mass: 195.1
Silver: chemical symbol: Ag, atomic number: 47, atomic mass: 107.9
Gold: chemical symbol: Au, atomic number: 79, atomic mass: 197.0
Copper: chemical symbol: Cu, is either pure or made from brass and bronze.
Bronze: has no chemical smybol because it is not an element, made of various alloys of copper and tin.
Some of the metals came from the ground and was naturally made. Some of them were man-made and were made from a mixture of other natural materials.



Examples of These Materials:


-Acrylic : Plastic Waterbottles, keychains
-Cellophane: Sweet Wrappers
-Cellulose: Wooden Clock
-Cellulose acetate: Sunglasses , toothbrush
-Elastomer: Wires
-Epoxy resin: Furnitures with laminates.


Platinum: Industrial catalysts, jewelry
Silver: Jewelry, ornamentation, coins, frame of mirrors
Gold: Jewelry


Agba - furniture
Afziela - top quality joinery
Afara - Interior plywood
Alder - minor utility products
Ash - light colored furniture


What Is ‘Sustainability’?

Sustainability is the capacity to endure, to maintain at a certain rate.

7. What does it mean when we say that a product is sustainable? Give an example of a sustainable product and explain why the product is sustainably.

It means that the product is able to wistand its own weight and the weight of the contents on it. An example would be a chair. The chair is able to wistand its own weight and the weight of the person that is seating on it. The chair does not collapse when someone seats on it.

8. What does it mean by a sustainable environment? Give an example of a sustainable environment.

An environment that has the daily necessities that we can live in. An example would be living on arable land. We are able to plant crops on the land. The plants would photosynthesize, we get oxygen.

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